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Configure CPPD Subsystem Jobs

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The Configure CPPD Subsystem Jobs allows you to configure the jobs that run in the CPPD subsystem that are based on switches which may be enabled/disabled by entering a Y to enable or N to disable. This can be found from the Cobwebb Main Menu - Option 8. Requires Cobwebb Server version 6.2.88 or above.


1.You will have to stop and restart the CPPD subsystem when changing any of these parameters.

2.These switches may also be found on other menu options but this option consolidates those most commonly used.


Spooled File Monitor

Starts the SPLMON job which monitors for spooled files specified in the Work with spooled file monitor. The program will not recognise output queues added after it has been started and will not start unless there is at least one output queue specified and 'Online'. To add additional output queues please stop and start the subsystem.

PC Server Interface

If you wish to use the TCP/IP interface to export your PPD files from your PC to your IBM i then you will need to enter a Y here in order to start the PCSRVI job.

Use Cobwebb Email Queue

If you wish to queue your email to the Cobwebb Queue to keep a record of your emails then enter a Y here to start the EMLSND job.  If this entry is left as an N then messages are sent directly to your SMTP Mail Server.

Email API

If you have selected to send your email via the Cobwebb Queue i.e. Use Cobwebb Email Queue has been set to Y above, then this API will also need to be enabled to start the EMLAPI job.

Email confirmation API

If you wish to have confirmation of your sent emails then you will need to enter a Y here.  This will automatically start the CNFAPI job, which will monitor for entries in the sub-folder CNFAPI in folder CPPD.

POP3 mail monitor

If you wish to monitor user account on the POP3 mail server for confirmation messages then enter a Y here. This will start the MAILMON job. Note: You will need to also configure the other POP3 details by pressing F9=Work with Email parameters if you change this entry to a Y.

Job Scheduler delay time

This entry specifies the length of time (in minutes) the Cobwebb Job Scheduler will sleep between checking for jobs to run. Valid entries are 1 - 1440 minutes or 0 if you don't wish the Cobwebb Job Scheduler job JOBSCD to run. Note: If you have specified a Schedule Time for a Job and this falls within the sleep period then it will be run when the job wakes up.

Job Scheduler Job monitor

This entry specifies whether or not the Job Scheduler Job Monitor program JOBSCDSTS runs. This checks the status of any job that has been set to run via the Cobwebb Job Scheduler.

Note: If you set this to Y then, the first time you start the CPPD subsytem, a System Journal QACGJRN will be created (if it doesn't already exist) and the Accounting Level System Value QACGLVLwill be adjusted to include *JOB journalling if not already included.


This enables the SNDAPI job which, as well as writing Fax messages to the Cobwebb Queue, also handles the printing of incoming/outgoing faxes if the Print option on the System parameters has been used.

Fax LInes monitor

If set to a Y this will start the LINMON job which checks all the Cobwebb Fax communications lines (not including Cobwebb Fax Twinax communications) approximately every 10 minutes, if a line is found to have failed a message is sent, and the program attempts to restart the communications for that line.

COBWEBB data queue monitor

Enables the COBWEBB data queue by starting the CDQAPI job.  This is used by customers who wish to fax from System 21 using the default interface. Note: This has been superseded by CPPD and the Spooled File Monitor.

Spooled File Fax monitor

Starts the Spooled file fax monitor job SFFMON, providing there is an ‘online’ entry in the Work with Spooled File Fax monitor. This monitors the specified print output queue for specified spooled files and runs a modified SNDFAXP command automatically, to send faxes from any text spooled file.

Function keys


Exits the Configure CPPD Subsystem Jobs and returns to the CPPD menu, without updating.


Refreshes the list of entries

F9=Work with Email parameters

Displays the Email parameters where you can maintain all the email details.